Where every piece of junk has endless possibilities!

Motivation Monday: Intro and H2O

Join me on The Frontier every Monday for a weekly Healthy and Fitness tip from my own weight loss journey.

Hi all, I hope you had a great weekend. This past weekend is the first one in a long time that The Hubs and I haven’t had something crazy planned. It was great to get some much needed deep cleaning done around the house.

For a while now, I have wanted to share some of my weight loss journey with y’all and never really found the right space but then I had the idea that my Monday post could be about leading a healthy lifestyle….an important element of life on any frontier (you see what I did there).

After I got married in 2013, I moved to the Denver area where The Hubs works. It was really hard, I loved the sweet little college town I was living in and I had developed a very healthy routine there. The move, however, changed a lot more than just my physical address. It also changed my exercise and eating habits. I went from having a nice set exercise routine to being very inactive, and from eating a ton of homemade healthy meals to eating out a lot. After a year of marriage I had gained 50lbs, it was crushing to look at wedding pictures and realize I wasn’t the same person.

So on a challenge from my mother I decided to make a change, she had successfully done Weight Watchers and suggested I give it a try. So this past February I signed up.

So far it has been a crazy journey and it will be for some time to come. I have learned so much about myself and recognized so many of my bad habits that need changing…and I lost 25lbs.

I am in no way a physical fitness or nutrition expert but I have discovered some things and I hope others who might be on the same journey might find them beneficial. Each week we will look at one small idea, or habit, or aspect of healthy living, that when combined have helped me change my lifestyle and get a little more fit.

This weeks tip is super simple. Drink Water! Drink Lots of Water. Most health organizations agree that eight, eight ounce glasses of water a day is ideal, if you do the math that is 64 ounces a day. I have always had a hard time with eyeballing measurements so to help myself figure out how much I am drink at home, I drink from a 24oz mason jar. I love mason jars and the fact that it tells me what volume I am drinking is super helpful.  So again, if you do the math as long as I drink three full glass of water at home a day I hit my recommended daily amount. Find a glass or water bottle that has the measurements on it and use that to help keep yourself accountable.

Drinking 64oz of water a day is a great step in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Using drinking containers with the measurements already on them will help you with that goal.

I am a former soda junkie, specifically Dr. Pepper, (in Colorado we call it Soda) so switching to water was hard..A simple step to help keep yourself from being tempted to drink soda, or juice, or other drinks besides water….don’t keep those items in your home. If they aren’t in your fridge they can’t tempted.

I hope y’all enjoy this first edition of Motivation Monday. Please always feel free to leave comments or questions bellow.

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9 comments on “Motivation Monday: Intro and H2O

  1. Great progress! Water is super important, keep these tips coming! you never know who you will inspire. Keep up the great work


    • vintagefrontier
      August 24, 2015

      Anne, thanks for the support. I am super excited about getting to share this part of my life with others. I always welcome any tips or advice. PS I’m glad we share a name!


  2. Stephanie @ Sustaining the Powers
    August 24, 2015

    You have been such a motivation to me this year! I’m excited for your journey and I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished so far. Keep the tips coming!


  3. mandipimental
    August 24, 2015

    Love this! & glad you ditched the soda and turned to water ❤ water is all i drink and i LOVE It now!


  4. Faint Not Mom
    August 24, 2015

    Way to go! That is a huge accomplishment! Especially at Denver altitude, water, water water! I need to remember this as I am sweating all my hydration right off down here in 103 degree texas weather. Excited to follow along with you, friend!


    • vintagefrontier
      August 24, 2015

      Thanks Joanna, the altitude is a big factor when it comes to being hydrated. I am going to be in Austin Texas in a few weeks and am not excited about the heat. I hope you and your sweet little family are thriving. I am loving tagging along with you through your blog.


  5. Pingback: Motivation Monday: More on H2O | VINTAGE FRONTIER

  6. Pingback: Motivation Monday: Holiday Eating: Labor Day Edition. | VINTAGE FRONTIER

  7. Pingback: Motivation Monday: Octobers Mantra. | VINTAGE FRONTIER

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