Where every piece of junk has endless possibilities!

Five Minute Friday: Re-purposed Dresser Drawers.

Raise your hand if you feel like your home doesn’t have enough storage, is disorganized, is always cluttered. (I can’t see you but I can imagine you raising your hand high in the air and looking a little sad at the same time). Well have no fear this week for Five Minute Friday we are going to add some great storage and organization to any room.

Hang old dresser drawers on a wall for added storage and organization.

My bedroom is usually the most cluttered in my house. I think its because it is where I am most comfortable and few people besides The Hubs and I venture in there. And if I had to narrow it down to the most cluttered place in my bedroom it would be my dresser. It seems to be a catch-all for most of the stuff in my life that doesn’t have a permanent home, mostly jewelry and beauty products, and makeup, oh my!

The biggest of those three offenders is jewelry. I have tried a lot of tricks to wrangle it all and keep it organized…to no avail. I made some necklace storage out of an old coffee cup holder, and a earring hanger from some chicken wire. Both work amazingly but they take up a lot of space on the top of my dresser. “Well,” you might ask “why not get a jewelry box?”. And the plain and simple answer is….because I am cheap…and if I don’t see my jewelry I forget about it and never wear it.

Enter an pair of drawers we had leftover from a dresser refurb I did for The Hubs. I sanded down what seemed like 30 layers of old paint and added some fresh clean white on the outside, I painted the bottom of the drawer which would become the back of the shelf, a fun minty green. Finally I added some leftover drawer pulls for hanging my longer necklaces and mounted them to the wall with a cleat.

I am not going to do much of a how to because I think it is pretty self explanatory.

Re-purpose old dresser drawers for storage on vertical wall space.

Yikes…it might be time to re-finish my dresser…look at the water marks….actually don’t look at them….LOOK AWAY!

Most people don’t make enough use of their vertical space for storage. So this is a great project for adding more storage to any area of your life that might need a little organization; a bathroom or office, even an entry way or kitchen.

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