Where every piece of junk has endless possibilities!

Genesis HeArts : A Bible Journaling Community

Spring is upon us here in Colorado!

I love everything about it…I love the green grass and the flowers coming out, I love getting our patio set up for gatherings with family and friends, I love seeing the veggies in my garden start to come up! Everything is so new and fun, full of all kinds of potential and hope.

Spring on the Frontier

One of the newest addition to life around The Frontier is bible journaling. I shared a little about this new amazing part of my life a couple of weeks ago when I got back on the Blog bandwagon. Bible journaling has become a wonderful way to really dig deep into the word in a way that I have never really been able to do before. I always found personal bible study (quiet times, morning devotionals, whatever you may call it) kind of dry and I was never really able to connect to the word or commit to actually doing it.

One of the first pages I journaled in my bible was 1 John 4:18 it was about being brave, at the beginning of the year I felt God calling me to be brave, to put aside the fear and the worry that has plagued me for…well…my whole life. Over the past four months I have seen Him call me out in all kinds of ways to be brave, and this newest venture is one of those ways.

One of my favorite things to do is to get together with friends so we can journal in our bibles. It is so encouraging to learn and grown in our faith together. Steph Powers from over at Sustaining the Powers is one of my favorite gals to get together with. But I was wishing there was a bigger community of people to join us. So began Genesis HeArts!

Bible Journaling with other women is a great way to enjoy fellowship and encourage one another.

One day, about a month ago, I felt like God leading me to start something in my little corner of Colorado since it didn’t already exist. He said, “Nichole, be Brave! If you want to see something happen then you need to step up and start it.”

So I got on and started a group. In the back of my mind I figured no one would RSVP to come to a meetup and so I would just get to scrap the idea and be done with it. But alas God had different plans and a group of women who never met before, but who all shared a love of God and a love for illustrating their faith got together a couple of  weekends ago and encouraged each other for a few hours.

Some of the finished products from our first Genesis HeArts Meetup.

We all journaled on the idea of refinement, and shared some Testimonies, some Truths and some fun Techniques.

Genesis means “new beginning”, and I loved the idea that God could give each of us a new beginning through art journaling, and that we could have greater friendships through the fellowship of art journaling.

So what is something you have wanted to be a part of for a long time…but it doesn’t exist around you? Do you think you might have time and the heart to step out in faith and start something. Pray about it…maybe this Spring is a time for your own personal Genesis.





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This entry was posted on May 4, 2016 by in Frontier Faith and tagged , , .


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